Private formula for training animals by Martina Schiestl

Over the years of working with animals, I was often asked, what my private formula for training animals was. It has been very difficult, to put it into words, but I came up with five concepts, which are the basis for all my interactions with animals. Plus, they do come in handy around humans too.


I learned to be the most patient person when working with an animal. I give them the time they need to react and understand what I am asking of them. Sometimes, I might also have to change my approach, because I might have done something leading to the opposite of what I was hoping for. From time to time it is also good to remember, to treat humans with as much patience, as I treat animals.

Body language

There are many things about my body language that can influence my interaction with an animal. One very important part of establishing a positive relationship is to be fully aware, of the way I move, my posture, my voice, and my facial expressions. During every interaction with an animal, I make sure, to be aware of my position in the animals’ universe. Meaning, I also have to read the animal's body language, and then adjust my own body accordingly.

Balanced emotions

One mind-blowing experience was to realise, the importance of being in tune with myself when working with animals. A lot of times, when the training is not going well, it might be about wrong timing, bad reward choice, or external disturbances. But then there are those times, when it is me and my emotions, influencing the behaviour of the animal and ruining the training session. This can lead to a heap of frustration for me and my animal. Accordingly, one of the most important things I had to learn, was being honest with myself, and admitting, when I am in a shitty mood and need a break. I learned using those days to reconnect and spend time with my animals by playing with them or just observing them from a distance. Being able to reflect and realising the training is not working, because you are in need of a break, is huge and you should be proud, to be able to recognise this.

Positive reinforcement

Rewarding an animal for every positive behaviour, can change a lot, and being able to use this concept on a daily basis, no matter, if this is a short-time interaction with a patient in a clinic or a long-term interaction with an animal in your care, will improve the human-animal relationship. What you are actually doing by using this concept, is building trust, and if you have trust, you can go to some wonderful places.

Be kind

Be kind to the animal, yourself, and other humans.
That’s basically it - be patient, in tune with your emotions, watch your body language and always try to reward good behaviour. All of those concepts together with kindness will help build trust and lead to some magical animal encounters.


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