Last chance to have your say

 Last chance to have your say for 2024

Membership that helps you make a difference for animals, people, and the planet - now wouldn't that be something special...

The INTERBEING platforms highlight interconnection. They combine science, compassion, and community so that you have a toolbox of opportunities for positive change. You are supported to feel good while doing good for animals, people, the planet and yourself.

The four interconnected platforms include:

  • Regular webinars to learn from experts - but who do you want to hear from?
  • Tools and resources that put science into practice - but what's most helpful?
  • Topics that highlight interconnection - but what topics are interesting?

We're about to plan the platforms for 2024
You get to guide the decision making

Last chance to have your say


Not a member?

That's okay! We make a lot of free resources that you can access without being a member. Our goal is to make learning accessible, interesting and interconnected. You can help us do that by having your say, and guiding the decision making. Together, we create a community that makes a difference for animals, people and the planet, which is why we want to hear from you.

Have your say


ACT's of Kindness

If you, or someone you know would love access to the INTERBEING platforms, but can't afford the membership, then click the link below. We want to create accessible learning opportunities for everyone. The ACT's of Kindness program is how we do that.


50% Complete

Two Step

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