Team building with BITE, 24/7 for farm animals & Science into Practice #140 Killer whales creativity

Team Building with BITE & AnimalConcepts at Zoo de Bordeaux-Pessac

Team Building with BITE has been invited to work alongside AnimalConcepts in France at Zoo de Bordeaux-Pessac on a 9-day practical & team building project, specifically focused on designing for elderly animals and captivity building and staff training. TBWB was founded in 2015, under the expertise of Mark Kingston-Jones and Chris Hales in animal welfare and behaviour. The project aims to help increase animal welfare through species-specific feeders and furniture in animal facilities worldwide, to provide animal keepers with items for their animals that they are unable to create due to lack of time or resources, and to provide their corporate teams with unique and fun days with an incredible reward, and where their efforts will make a genuine difference.

Prior to the arrival of TBWB, AnimalConcepts worked with the animal care staff at the zoo on the holistic approach to animal wellbeing through the lens of 24/7 and creating detailed species files with the AC Global team. While in the zoo Mark and Chris have run several training sessions and workshops, teaching practical skills to the animal carers that can be applied to any of the habitats across the zoo. Furthermore, they worked on new habitats for elderly coatis and servals, and with the help of the team expanded the surface area of the lemur habitat. Is it now all done, no! There is still a lot to do before the elderly animals can move in so stay tuned and follow the projects if you want to know more!

You can follow the updates and developments of these projects, as well as pictures of the resources and habitats they are building via the Team Building with BITE Facebook, as well as via Zoo de Bordeaux-Pessac Facebook and AnimalConcepts Facebook pages as the work continues - see you there?

The 24/7 approach to promoting optimal welfare for captive wild animals

A concept that is concerned with providing good and positive animal welfare for animals in captivity, 24/7 across the lifespan. You can download the free 24/7 resources in various languages HERE The pursuit of optimal animal welfare requires an interdisciplinary and global approach, combining practical expertise and the sciences of animal welfare, including e.g., sleep, nutrition, mental wellbeing, behaviour, human-animal interactions, and environment. It requires considering the experiences of individual animals 24/7 across lifespan. We are delighted that the 24/7 concept is referenced in relation to farm animals! Read the new paper by Professor Marian Stamp Dawkins on farm animals HERE


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