Ep3 Heidi Quine on bears, rescue, change, Animals Asia, more bears, & hope

2020 ibuzz podcast Jun 05, 2020

In this episode Heidi Quine, Bear & Vet Team Director Vietnam Animal Asia, talks about the work of Animals Asia, about bears, rescue, change, more bears, & hope!

How do you go about rescuing a bear, what happens on a farm and why? What is Animals Asia doing and how? Who are the bears at the sanctuaries, and how does the care staff work for them, managing over 200 bears!

Animals Asia's national and international heroes in the veterinary department and bear care specialists are working hand in hand with Government Partners to end the farming of bears in Vietnam.

Heidi shares a beautiful story of her favourite bear, Tuan, and how they rescued him from a farm, and to see him now in the sanctuary, it is everything that is right in the world, and his best friend Valerie.

Heidi also shares a beautiful story about James, and how she connected with him inspired by the work of the late Else Poulsen, asking "What are you trying to tell me bear? What do you need me to know?"

And then there are the cute sun bears! Let's not forget about Sassy and Layla, and their connection, about "how bears rescue us and each other"!

Happy people = Happy bears

With a heart full of hope Heidi shares the work of Animals, the groundswell of change coming, and action you can take!

Listen in and get a dose of Bearapy!

To find out more about the work from Animals Asia please visit:

Animals Asia Website
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Animals Asia YouTube

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