ACTs of Kindness Program

Everyone should have access to learning opportunities which support human, animal and planetary wellbeing. Kindness and collaboration will make this possible.




the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate 


Imagine you want to do your very best to support yourself and the animals you care for, but you can’t because the learning and development opportunities you need are not available to you - that’s absolutely not okay.

What is the ACTS of Kindness Program?

The Acts of Kindness Program provides a nominated individual or organisation free membership to our four online learning platforms. Through using the platforms, they can develop an interconnected understanding of human, animal, and planetary wellbeing, and improve the care they provide for animals and themselves, whilst protecting the planet we share.


How does it work?

Sponsor a membership

You can nominate any individual or organisation that you feel would enjoy and benefit from an INTERBEING membership by applying below. It works like a sponsorship, so you cover the costs of their membership fee on a monthly or annual basis, knowing that you are not only supporting them but all of the animals and people they care for and interact with daily. You’re creating a ripple of kindness, which we think is pretty incredible.

Apply for a scholarship

If you'd like to become a member and access the INTERBEING platforms but need support to do so, then you can apply for a scholarship with partial or fully waived membership fees.

Contact us to to apply

Compassion, curiosity and collaboration make a meaningful difference 

Why does it matter?


The INTERBEING platforms exist because we believe that nurturing curiosity, compassion, and collaboration are key to making a meaningful difference in the world - and that everyone should have access to learning opportunities in support of this.

If people cannot access relevant, evidence-based information then it becomes much harder to provide optimal care for animals. We all started working with animals because we care about them, so being unable to access learning and development opportunities can not only reduce the quality of animal care provision but also reduce human wellbeing. We believe that through kindness and collaboration, we can stop this from happening.

Our mission is to create a culture of care and respect, where everyone has the opportunity to support optimal wellbeing for themselves, the animals we care for, and the planet we share. We can always be kind, so we really hope you’ll join us as a partner in this purpose, so that together, we can create opportunities for all to flourish.

Your kindness means the person or organisation you sponsor get access to everything on the platforms for a whole year, which they can log into anytime, anywhere.

The sponsored individual or organisation can:

  • Learn how they like with a range of resources exploring new perspectives and interconnected concepts
  • Stay up to date with the latest scientific research and understanding, all in one affordable space
  • Access tools like decision trees, workbooks and frameworks to help them navigate complex animal welfare topics
  • Develop skills and techniques to maintain healthy boundaries, communicate with others and care for themselves through the human wellbeing platform
  • Protect the planet we share through activities, examples and perspectives on environmental wellbeing
  • Learn from and interact with experts across the world
  • Connect and network with like-minded members from a range of professions
  • Have agency and control over their own learning and development opportunities
Give an Act of Kindness membership
Apply for an Act of Kindness membership

You can be a maker of change by supporting a more diverse, equal, and inclusive world

Who can I sponsor?


You can sponsor an individual or a whole organisation. They don’t have to be working directly with animals to benefit. They could be involved in anything related to animals, people, or the planet. Our mission is optimal wellbeing for everyone, and when we say everyone, we mean everyone. We hope that you’ll join us in this mission, paying forward the kindness that you would hope to receive yourself.


You may know someone who wants to work with animals or does so currently. They may be a pet owner, caregiver, researcher, farmworker, veterinarian – anything really! Membership will support their personal or professional goals to care for animals and will also help them care for themselves and the planet in the process.

Sponsor an individual


What’s often missing from traditional teaching is an interconnected approach. Those studying animal-related courses will often learn about a range of topics, but rarely is animal welfare expanded upon to include holistic wellbeing 24/7, and highlighted to be interconnected with our own wellbeing and that of the planet.

Students need an understanding of how to care for themselves as well as others, and how this will positively influence the people and animals they interact with. Sponsoring a student will expand and deepen their understanding of optimal wellbeing, offering an entirely different learning experience which they can lead to suit their needs, expand perspectives, and improve career prospects.

Sponsor a student


The team can be any size, and work for any purpose, providing they are looking to support optimal wellbeing for animals, people, and the planet. This sponsorship can support an entire organisation to improve care practices by giving all staff access to the INTERBEING membership. Your kindness would not only support optimal individual wellbeing, but also the collective impact of an entire organisation, empowering them to be leaders for the benefit of animals, people and the planet.

Organisations that you can sponsor may include a zoological collection, aquarium, sanctuary, rescue centre, farm or production facility, pet retailer, research organisation, conservation charity, environmental organisation, or something similar.

Sponsor an organisation

Educational organisations

Creating useful, original, and up-to-date educational content can be challenging. Your kindness would allow teachers, educators, professors, and entire departments to take advantage of the many resources so that they can create an optimal learning environment for everyone.

This is the kind of sponsorship that has major ripples, as every individual reached will have their own sphere of influence now and in the future. 

Sponsor an educational organisation



We are dedicated to creating a more diverse, equal, and inclusive world for all. This means creating and maintaining learning opportunities that are accessible and available to everyone. And when we say everyone, we mean everyone. If you would like to become a member of the INTERBEING platforms, but need support to do so, then please apply to the Acts of Kindness Program today.


Apply for scholarship

Purpose and values

We are committed to helping all peoples care for animals and for themselves

Diversity, Inclusion, & Equity

We are dedicated to creating a more diverse, equal, and inclusive world for all

One Care

We are committed to wellbeing, from individuals to entire organisations

Organisations we've donated time and resources to:

Association membership logo to BIAZA
Association membership logo to AZA
Association membership logo to ZAA

If you have a question, story, suggestion or idea you want to share - or if you'd just like to say hi -  we'd love to connect, so just send us an email at [email protected]

Contact us