Consultancy for optimal human wellbeing 

People are the drivers and makers of change. But to do good, you must feel good.

To give good care and do good work, you must feel well first. This means taking care and knowing how to do so. 

But you've heard of ‘self-care’ before. You sigh inside, expecting the fluffy advice of ‘just think more positively’ which is easier said than done. Or you get that rising sense of irritation - that the 'tips and tricks' shared are just unrealistic and simply don’t match up to your lived experience.  

We don’t pretend we know what it feels like to be you, but we do know that it matters. 

Work with us

We focus on prioritising what’s meaningful and ask, ‘What is it like to be you?’ so that we can show up in a way that actually matters for ourselves, animals and each other. Together we’ll explore the highs and lows along with the challenges and the opportunities. You’ll develop a set of tools and foundations to guide you through all of life’s experiences by taking good care of yourself first and foremost. 

By understanding our own wellbeing and how to support it we have the tools to take good care and give good care, meaning we can do good for animals, people and planet whilst feeling in good in ourselves at the same time.

Our services

Choose from a range of services designed to help you support your own wellbeing so that you can do good whilst feeling good. 


Workshops and events

Our workshops and events can be delivered as part of an integrated package or as standalone subjects. You can book single or multi-day options to suit your needs and budget, with online or in-person options too. By blending science and evidence with compassion and laughter we create an environment which supports the flourishing of all. 

Topics covered

  • Reducing empathic strain and carer fatigue
  • Preventing burnout
  • Dealing with grief and loss
  • Understanding (vicarious) trauma
  • Maintaining and increasing job satisfaction
  • Self-care practices
  • Developing resilience, witnessing (vicarious) healing
  • Creating healthy habits and setting boundaries
  • Creating support networks
  • Mastering work-life integration
  • Staying grounded in stressful work
  • Organisational care
  • Conducting individual and organisational risk and resilience assessments
  • Supporting trauma-sensitive work environments 
See all topics
Work with us

One Care

We use a One Care approach. This means our holistic programs and interventions are designed to support wellbeing at an individual and organisational level. When combined, compassionate self-care (individuals) and we-care (organisational) approaches will support the flourishing of animals, people and planet - together.

When we take care to give care everyone benefits.

Sabrina Brando Iceland AnimalConcepts group photo

"The course 'Take Care to Give Care' is so needed and relevant in our industry. Sabrina manages to communicate about difficult topics that most of us have experienced with such grace and great care. I would recommend her course as an absolute must for everyone working with animals and humans."  


Group photo Paris AnimalConcepts Brando human wellbeing seminar

"Sabrina Brando's talk was just what I needed when I needed it. As dog trainers, I think we underestimate how important self care is if we want to keep doing our work properly and with balance. I recommend her course for anyone who is involved with animal and/or human care and wants to have a long and fulfilling career doing so." 


Purpose and values

We are committed to helping all people care for animals and for themselves

One Care

We are committed to animal and human wellbeing, for individuals and organisations

Diversity, Inclusion, & Equity

We are dedicated to creating a more diverse, equal, and inclusive world for all

Sabrina Brando

 Sabrina currently is a PhD candidate at the University of Stirling in Scotland on the topic of human wellbeing. Her research covers job satisfaction, occupational stressors, and other aspects affecting individual and organisational wellbeing. 

Sabrina is a Certified Compassion Fatigue Professional and feels compassion awareness is key in the animal care profession in order for animal care professionals to serve animals and people with care and integrity, and for people to ‘Take Care to Give Care’. She has extensive training in the human wellbeing field, from grief and loss to working in stressful and trauma-sensitive environments. She has trained in the neuroscience of behaviour change, embodied presence and trauma-sensitive mindfulness, and developing a culture of physical and psychological safety and care in organisations through risk and resilience assessments.

"One of Sabrina's best qualities as a speaker/teacher, is the way she helps you understand. It's in such a humane way, she really cares about everyone and you can feel it. The atmosphere is relaxed and uplifiting. You'll find both small and bigger changes in thinking and problem solving, that helps you either as a pro and/or as a pet owner. Well, in general. I just loved Sabrina's lectures! She made a huge impact on my thinking..." Sissa

Additional services


People who work with animals care deeply about them, so it makes sense to include their wellbeing in the conversation. And put plainly, there's no point talking about the care of people and animals if we're not also going to talk about the planet we all share.


Animal wellbeing welfare services AnimalConcepts
Animal wellbeing
Planetary wellbeing services AnimalConcepts
Planetary wellbeing
Career coaching services AnimalConcepts
Career coaching

Organisations we've worked with

Connect with us

Do you have a question? A suggestion or idea you want to share? Use the contact form we will get back to you shortly! You can also email us on info(@)

Contact us