We are ALL in the animal care and welfare department!


Unedited transcript of the video above ⬆️

"We are all in the welfare department. So it's really interesting. Sometimes I hear these things about, you know, well, we should talk to the welfare department, or we should, you know, talk to the welfare scientist. And of course, being a welfare scientist and animal welfare scientist is a professional in itself. You know, everybody has their specializations. But it is important to know that we are all in the animal care and welfare department. So sometimes, it's also about, well, let's create a special issue around animal welfare. But everything that we do is about animal wellbeing. Everything that we do, revolves around care, right? So there's no separation with regards to when we're talking about breeding conservation efforts, feeding the animals cleaning, the human-animal interaction, everything is animal care, and well being in the sense that it has an effect. And whether that's a good one or a bad one, you know, depending on how the animal is experiencing it. So whether you working as an animal care professional, a curator, veterinarian, an animal welfare scientist, we all have different jobs, we all have different specialities. But we are all in the business of animal care and well being. So all these topics have to do. That's why we talk about animal welfare sciences, the science of sleep, the science of nutrition, the science of so many other things, right. So hopefully, that helps, because I think there's sometimes this kind of disconnect between, you know, animal welfare is over here. And then everybody else who's not necessarily seen or feels in that domain, but what you do on a daily basis, how you use your body language, the times of feeding, how we clean the predictability, and predictability, everything we do, of course, has an effect on the animals and hopefully that's good, because that's all that we striving for, but we have to know, and remember ourselves, you know, in case we forget. And also when we talk about it or write about it, we have to be very specific and explicit about it. You know, animal welfare is a goal in itself, that it matters to the animals, what happens to them. And yeah, so we're all in the Animal Welfare Department. Welcome!"


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