Launching soon! DogPAWS

Supporting excellence in dog care and wellbeing is the purpose of “DogPAWS - Dog Wellbeing: Applied Science, Practice and Training”. DogPAWS is a novel online platform that provides everyone with access to continuous science-based learning, sharing opportunities, and resources needed to support optimal dog wellbeing. This platform is an international collaboration between Sabrina Brando and the team at AnimalConcepts, Dr Annika Bremhorst, and Dr Sabrina Karl. More on the founders soon!

To this end, the DogPAWS platform will provide relevant knowledge in various formats such as webinars, reading material, journal clubs, courses, hands-on challenges, and more by invited thought leaders, experts, practitioners, and scientists from various fields related to dog and animal welfare, behaviour, cognition, medicine, ethics, training, and law. DogPAWS is a standalone platform in line with the philosophy and practice of everything and everyone being interconnected.


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A Terminolopinion - blog by Wendy Las van Bennkom

The C-word and the D-word are very loaded in the dog world. Correction and Dominance. We are not allowed to use these terms anymore. I really wonder why not? It will become clearer if we do not avoid existing terms. Correction and Dominance exist. Throughout nature correction is real. And certainly, within a group of animals, there is Dominance. Yet we should not talk about it anymore. I absolutely do understand where this is coming from. Decades ago, it was normal to train dogs using punishment. Reinforcing was for wimps and old ladies. The dog training world was dominated (oops) by men and tough dogs. We taught our dogs behaviours such as heelwork by pulling the choke chain when he was not walking properly. We didn't know any better, coercion was normal. Luckily at a certain point, we gradually switched to a more respectful and animal-friendly method in working with animals. However, in the world of dog training, this method is still not accepted widely. In addition, we saw more...

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